Life Insurance

A life insurance policy is a means by which to safeguard the financial interests of your family in the event of your death. Usually, the policy offers a cash sum, which is paid tax-free, to your dependents or named beneficiaries on the policy which can help them with costs such as outstanding debts or funeral costs, as well as enable them to maintain their standard of living if you die.

Life insurance policies are legally binding contracts and cover specific details such as the price of the insurance premiums, the length of the contract and how long it will cover you and the sum that will be paid out to your beneficiaries if you die.


In addition to the main use of life insurance that we have discussed above, such policies can also be financially beneficial to you in other ways:

  • It is possible to build a nest egg of savings for your retirement at the same time as benefitting from the protection of insurance.

  • You have the choice of naming a charity of your choice as a beneficiary in the policy to donate some or all of the cash sum to them.

  • You can use the policy to cover estate taxes when you die.

  • If you own your own business, you are able to protect your interests as the policy would provide the funds to buy out a deceased business partner’s share of the company.

We can help you figure out what makes sense for you.

In-Depth Articles on Life Insurance Solutions

Strategies for Multi-Generational Planning

The Sandwich Generation, coined by Dorothy Miller in 1981, describes adults caring for both aging parents and their own children. This dual responsibility is emotionally and financially draining. Effective financial planning is crucial, involving open discussions about family resources, life insurance needs analysis, disability and critical illness coverage, long-term care insurance, and drafting a living will. Addressing these issues can alleviate stress and ensure financial security for all generations.

When Should I Buy Life Insurance?

The question of when to buy life insurance might seem as complicated as assembling a piece of IKEA furniture without instructions. Yet determining the best time for life insurance is actually more straightforward than you think. The secret is that there's genuinely no bad time to make this important investment — but your age and financial situation will determine the type of insurance you should get.

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Jun 18, 2024

Optimizing Wealth Through Asset Re-Allocation

If you are an active investor, your investment holdings probably include many different asset classes. For many investors, diversification is a very important part of the wealth accumulation process to help manage risk and reduce volatility. Your investment portfolio might include stocks, bonds, equity funds, real estate and commodities. All these investment assets share a common characteristic – their yield is exposed to tax.

Basic Planning for Young Families

As a young family, you will be facing a lot of new challenges that you may or may not be prepared for along the way. Whether it’s children, a mortgage, or unexpected expenses that come up, now is the perfect time to start thinking about all the potential pitfalls that may arise.

In this article we want to share some of the ways that insurance can help you stay ahead of these issues, as well as how to prepare yourself for some of life’s obstacles that you and your family may face.

Protecting Your Family

Let’s face it, raising a family today can be financially challenging. The cost of living continues to increase, housing costs are rising along with education and extra-curricular activities for our children. It is tough to make ends meet and still have something left over at the end of each month.

Most families today require both parents to work to afford the lifestyle they enjoy. Losing one of those incomes through premature death, illness or a disability is a real risk that many families would have a difficult time facing emotionally and financially.

blog, life insurance
Sep 1, 2023

Thinking of Cancelling Your Life Insurance?

Have you found yourself wondering if you really need that life insurance policy you pay for every month? You are not alone.

As time goes on we often forget the reasons behind purchasing the amount and type of coverage we did. For this reason, it is advisable to have regular reviews to make sure you are adequately protected.

blog, life insurance
Aug 1, 2023

The Case for Life Insurance

When it comes to most forms of insurance, many people understand the importance of having coverage. Whether it’s your car, your home, or other valuable possessions, having insurance means that you’re financially protected should disaster strike. One of the first things you do when you buy a new car is to make sure it is protected before you drive it off the lot. Why? Because if you are involved in an accident chances are good you would suffer financially.

blog, life insurance
Jun 1, 2023

The Best Way to Insure Your Mortgage

If you have a mortgage, it makes good sense to insure it. Owning a debt-free home is an objective of any sound financial plan. In addition, making sure your mortgage is paid off in the event of your death will benefit your family greatly.

The question is, should you purchase this coverage through your lending institution or from a life insurance company? A good rule of thumb to follow when searching for advice? Ask an expert!

So, while it might be convenient when completing the paper work for your new mortgage to just sign one more form, be aware that it might be a costly decision.

blog, life insurance, mortgage
May 1, 2023

Whole Life Insurance – A Whole New Asset Class

The recent developments in investment markets and the volatile performance that has resulted have brought about a new appeal to an old workhorse. For investors looking for a diversification in their investment portfolio and a more tax-efficient fixed income investment alternative, a compelling argument can be made for the use of Whole Life Insurance.

Has Purchasing Life Insurance Changed Since 2020?

During this stressful and challenging time, many are wondering what effect COVID-19 could have on their life insurance. Some may be worried that the insurance companies would make changes to their existing policy due to coronavirus concerns, resulting in an increase in their premiums or a restriction to their coverage. It should be reassuring to all that insurance companies are generally not able to change the contractual provisions of the insurance policies that are in force.

blog, life insurance
Dec 1, 2022