Disability Insurance

Accidents and illness happen. These setbacks can have a huge impact on our financial situation and security.

The Canadian Institute for Health Information reports that 5 people in Canada are admitted to hospitals every minute of every day, incurring an average hospital stay of 7 days.

DPB will help you choose the right disability insurance product to help you meet your income requirements so you can focus on recovering.

  • Individual Coverage
  • Group Coverage
  • Disability Buyout

We can help you figure out what makes sense for you.

Discover Insights on Disability Insurance

Strategies for Multi-Generational Planning

The Sandwich Generation, coined by Dorothy Miller in 1981, describes adults caring for both aging parents and their own children. This dual responsibility is emotionally and financially draining. Effective financial planning is crucial, involving open discussions about family resources, life insurance needs analysis, disability and critical illness coverage, long-term care insurance, and drafting a living will. Addressing these issues can alleviate stress and ensure financial security for all generations.

1 in 3 Canadians Will Become Disabled Before the Age of 65

Having a source to replace your earned income in the event of an illness or accident is vital considering that on average, 1 in 3 Canadians will become disabled for a period of more than 90 days at least once before the age of 65. For those that are disabled for more than 90 days the average length of that disability is 2.9 years.

If you are one of the approximately 10 million Canadians covered under a group Long Term Disability plan (LTD) it’s important to understand what your coverage provides. Don’t wait until after you’re disabled to read the employee handbook because you could have a few surprises!