Group Benefits

Employers today need to provide attractive benefit packages in order to attract and retain top quality employees.

Whether you own a small business with 2 employees, or a larger corporation with more than 500 employees, we’re here to help.

Our group benefits plans include but are not limited to hospital-care, long or short-term disability, dental and eye-care, and commercial auto lines.

With several group benefit options, DPB can help supplement your company’s existing plan to fill in any gaps, or create a package for your employees. Contact us today, and let us see what solution would work best for you.

We can help you figure out what makes sense for you.

Learn More About Group Benefits Solutions

Your Guide to Capital Gains Changes in 2024

The Canadian government recently introduced big changes to capital gains in the 2024 Federal Budget. You’re probably wondering how it will affect you and/or your business moving forward. These changes, particularly the increase in the inclusion rate on capital gains from 50% to 66.7%, are significant and require careful consideration to minimize their effects on your financial goals and estate planning strategies.

Impact of Higher Capital Gains Inclusion Rate on Financial & Estate Planning

One change proposed in the April 16, 2024 Federal Budget is raising the inclusion rate on capital gains from 50% to 66.7%. For individual taxpayers, the initial $250,000 of capital gains remains taxed at the 50% inclusion rate. However, for corporations and trusts, the increased inclusion rate applies to all capital gains. These adjustments are slated to come into effect starting June 25, 2024.

What does this mean for individual taxpayers?

Estate Equalization for Family Business Owners

In the planning of their estates, most parents might prefer to leave their assets in equal shares to their children. Often, the only complication in this scenario could be how to divide up the family home.

For owners of a family business, however, the concept of treating the children equally can often be much more problematic. This can especially be the case where one or more children are active in the business while others are not.

Get Your Corporate Dollars Doing Double Duty

Owners of very successful private corporations are well aware of the importance of cash flow. Many are protective of how they allocate corporate capital so that business ventures are adequately funded and investment opportunities are not missed.

The Immediate Financing Arrangement offers an opportunity to provide life insurance coverage and accumulate wealth on a tax-advantaged basis without impairing corporate cash flow.